lunedì 3 ottobre 2011

Introductive lesson

Hi, or better to say hola because the main topic of this blog will be spanish. My blog is for everyone who wants to learn spanish. If you have not time to go to a spanish school, this blog is for you. I spend much time in Spain for Erasmus and I speak a spanish almost as a mother tongue. I am here to teach spanish for free.
We will star from elementary level to reach that intermediate. If this blog will have success, maybe we will pass to the avanced. Grammar is important, but I will also put pieces of novels of spanish authors and some lessons will be about the spanish culture. According to me, we can't learn a language without learning the culture of that language. Maybe, there will be videos that will be a video lessons, that will be funnier than of lesson of this blog, but I hope to not bore you.
Enjoy this blog. Anyway, if you click here, you can the original version of this blog, in italian. There will be the same post that you can find here but in italian. I want to see which of two blogs will have more views.

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